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信息无障碍 2023-06-08 19:48 发表于广东






我非常荣幸代表联合国教科文组织和联合国残障主题小组在 2023年科技无障碍发展大会上发言。


















Honored guests,
ladies and gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to speak at the 2023 Technology Accessibility Development Conference on behalf of UNESCO and the UN Theme Group on Disability.

In our era, human interaction with technology is undergoing a radical shift, imbuing everyday tasks with newfound efficiency, flexibility, and unprecedented potential for innovation.

Digital technologies can indeed be powerful tools for information, communication, autonomy and social inclusion, when all the necessary conditions are met.

Conversely, in our increasing digitalized societies, digital exclusion is a major barrier to equality: Lack of access to digital technologies prevents persons with disabilities and other people concerned from accessing public services, education and many of the opportunities that life has to offer.

Awareness of this should spur us to act now to adopt a truly inclusive approach to the digital realm.

It is imperative to amplify the voices of persons with disabilities, and to openly discuss the topic of disabilities and the needs of persons with disabilities in the public settings. Open discussions are absolutely necessary for progress to be made.

We should keep in mind that persons with disabilities must be involved at every stage of development; and one of the most effective ways to do this is to work together with organizations of persons with disabilities, particularly those which have expertise in the field of ICT industries.

We must be alerted to the vast potential of, and urgent need for, accessible ICTs to improve quality of life and inclusion among persons with disabilities, and take actions to raise awareness and increase knowledge of information accessibility.

We encourage the ICT industry to implement Universal Design principles, the benefits of which extend not only to persons with disabilities, but also to companies by opening new market opportunities. In fact, it is also more inclusive, affordable, and often simper than developing specialized software or hardware for persons with disabilities.

In the meantime, enhancing the digital skills and competencies is equally important, so that we can empower the individuals with disabilities to gain and perceive information, to take actions, express understanding, and take a meaningful part in the digital world that is made increasing accessible for them.

Ladies and gentlemen,China is home to over 85 million persons with disabilities, and 267 million older persons aged 60 and above. Over the recent years, we have witnessed the rapid progress made by the Chinese government and stakeholders across sectors in removing the barriers in society and creating a barrier-free environment.

I am most excited to have learned that, Chinese lawmakers have been drafting legislation on the construction of barrier-free environment. Just the past month, the second draft was made open for public opinion.

I believe with the new law coming into force in the near future, with opinions solicitated from the community of persons with disabilities being taken into good consideration, it could leverage more substantial changes, further enhancing the accessibility of the living environment for everyone.

Lastly, taking this wonderful opportunity, I would like to invite all stakeholders present today to continue contributing to this important endeavor. Your continuous and sustainable support is crucial.

UNESCO and the UN system in China always stand ready to work with you.Let’s join hands to ensure a digital future that truly accommodates and benefits everyone.

With that, I wish the conference a great success. Thank you.




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