
3 猫有九条命为有一颗心 2年前 166次点击


Although I am in the gutter, I still have the right to look up to the stars.

晚霞虽美但没有你还是枯燥乏味 希望从此你与我粥可温 与我共黄昏

Although the sunset is beautiful, it is still boring without you. I hope you and I can have a warm porridge and share the evening with me

要努力 不要让爱自己的人失望 要乖乖的 才会有人来爱你

Try not to disappoint the people who love you. Only when you are good will someone love you


The one you love will come eventually. Never envy others


At that time, there was someone in my heart. No matter how dark, there was sunshine

一定得90斤吗 一定得双眼皮吗 一定得腿又长又细吗 一定得素颜又好看吗 可是每个人都是独一无二的呀 .

Do you have to weigh 90 Jin? Do you have to have double eyelids? Do you have to have long and thin legs? Do you have to be plain and beautiful? But everyone is unique


After waiting for a long time, you finally said goodbye

你不必总是阳光快乐积极向上 只要你没给别人带来麻烦 就不必为自己的脆弱感到自卑 阴天和晴天都可爱

You don't always have to be sunny, happy and positive. As long as you don't bring trouble to others, you don't have to feel inferior for your vulnerability. Cloudy and sunny days are lovely


The questions I refuse to answer hide the past I want to recall


Colorful life, I had a mess


I once imagined how vigorous my youth would be, but when I was in it, I found that everything had not changed, and everything was still so ordinary

真正喜欢你的人怎么舍得让你等啊 笨蛋

How can someone who really likes you be willing to let you wait, fool


I'm not waiting for you. I'm waiting for myself to give up


I am often negative and feel that life is beautiful


Forget him. You haven't even met

没有文案可以形容我 乐观 开朗 兴奋 甚至是幸福我都可以演出来

There is no copy to describe my optimism, cheerfulness, excitement and even happiness. I can act it out


The sun rises slowly, the moon shines brightly, roses are covered with thorns, weeds grow wantonly, and I can do it myself


Just be yourself. People who love you naturally love you


You always owe yourself a hard look

物极必反 人美必单

When things reach their extremes, they will turn against each other

我不漂亮 我是张三 我是李四 我是芸芸众生中最普通的 起风了 我就挡风 下雨了我就打伞 没伞我就淋雨 打雷我就捂耳朵.

I'm not beautiful. I'm Zhang San. I'm Li Si. I'm the most common among all living beings. When the wind blows, I'll wind and rain. I'll take an umbrella. Without an umbrella, I'll be in the rain and thunder. I'll cover my ears

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